Blue Yahooty Hancock's Foals
2005 Foals 2004 Foals 2003 Foals
2002 Foals 2001 Foals

A yearling from Hootie's last foal crop
These are some of the nice foals that our stallion,
"Hootie," produced. We are SO pleased with
our foals by Hootie...just wonderful hips, heads, and color all over.
And their attitudes...they are true pleasures to work with. We are
devastated at his loss, as we have received so much pleasure from his

Hootie foal butts. His foals typically have long hips
and nice round bubbles on top. Left, 3 months. Right, 4.5
Hootie has produced about 80%-90% colored foals, and some
received BOTH the dun factor and the roan genes. Very few of his
foals have had any white feet. We don't know the genetics of
white legs or why he doesn't produce many white feet, but this is a good
thing for those interested in the color breed shows.
Hootie has foals in the Midwest, great plains states, the
east coast, southeast, The Netherlands, Mexico, and in Scotland, United Kingdom.
Some of the photos below are thumbnails that you can click to see the pictures enlarged
or to view web pages, and then click the Back button on your browser to return
to this page.
Note: Some of these foals are owned by Cedar Ridge
Quarter Horses, and some are not.
Unfortunately, we didn't breed Hootie to many mares in 2004
because we were in the process of moving to a new farm. He died on June
6th, and we lost the opportunity for more Hootie babies. This is his last
foal crop.

Dun filly
Georgia, via shipped semen
creekside7@reynoldscable.net |

Dun filly
Georgia, via shipped semen
creekside7@reynoldscable.net |

Iowa, out of a g-dtr of Great Pine |

Sorrel colt with unique face markings.
Iowa |

Strawberry roan filly, England, UK |

Silver grullo filly, Iowa |

Black filly, Oklahoma |

Blue Roan Colt, Texas |

Click photo to view web page
Full brother to "Chilly", top left colt in 2003 crop.
Grullo colt. No white feet.
Dam: Grullo.
Look at the length on that hip!
Iowa |

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Grullo roan filly, one white foot
Dam: Blue Roan
Iowa |

Born 4/3/04
Click photo to visit page!
Red dun colt.
No white feet.
Dam: Black
Iowa |

Dunalino or dunalino roan filly
Dam: Palomino roan
South Carolina |

Click photo to visit page!
Silver grullo colt, no white feet
Dam: Palomino dun (dunalino)
Iowa |

Dun colt, no white feet
Dam: Dun
Oklahoma |

Blue roan filly
Dam: Black
Missouri |

Blue roan colt
Dam: Black
Missouri |

Grullo filly
Dam: Grullo. No white feet
Belgium |

Blue roan colt
Dam: Liver chestnut
No white feet (dam has 4 white)
Colorado |
Black colt. No white feet.
Dam: Chestnut
Iowa |

Silver grullo colt
South Carolina |

Grullo colt. No white feet.
Iowa |
Photo Not Available
Silver Grullo Colt. No white.
Dam: Grullo
Born prematurely, deceased. |
Blue roan colt. No white feet.
Dam: Buckskin
Iowa |

Grullo colt
Missouri |
Note: Some of these foals are owned by Cedar Ridge
Quarter Horses, and some are not. Click photos to view some of the foals' web

Click photo to view web page.
Grullo colt
WON 1st place at his 1st AQHA
show, weanling!
No white feet, faint star. Dam-grullo.
Indiana |

Click photo to view web page
Silver Grullo filly
No white. Dam-grullo.
Iowa |

Click photo to view web site
Dun filly
No white feet, small star. Dam-chestnut.
Iowa |

Bay roan colt, no white feet, star. Dam-chestnut.
New York |

"Annie," Grullo filly. No white feet.
Dam-palomino dun (dunalino)
California |

Red roan filly
Dam-red roan
California |

Click photo to view web site
Bay roan colt
Missouri |

Grullo+roan+gray colt
Missouri |

Click photo to view web page.
Grullo colt
Dam-grulla with creme gene
The Netherlands (Europe) |

Dun roan colt
Kentucky |

Red dun or grullo filly
(note the dark legs...some reds will shed grullo, but
RARELY, so we'll watch her)
Missouri |

Grullo colt
Iowa |

Grullo colt
South Carolina |

Red dun colt

Rear view.
Grullo colt
Virginia |

Dun roan colt
Missouri |

Red dun colt
Dam-red dun
Missouri |
Note: Some of these foals are owned by Cedar Ridge
Quarter Horses, and some are not. Click photos to view some of the foals' web

Grulla filly
Yahoot N Yaholler
Only a faint white star, no white feet
Dam: Bailey (dunalino)
California |

"Millie" AQHA Point Earner
Winning and placing at everything from Reining to Halter!
Scotland, United Kingdom |

Bay roan filly
Dam: Miss O Kay Abbey (bay)
Oklahoma |

Dunalino filly
No white feet; star, disconnected strip
This filly's dam has 3 white socks, but Hootie
knocked her socks off! |

Black colt
Hootin Herbie Hancock
No white
Dam: Miss Troubles Topaz
Wisconsin |

Dun roan stud colt
Dam: Bay
Iowa |

Grullo filly
Bootnscoot Yahooty
Dam: Peppy Marguarita (grulla)
Faint star, No white feet
Iowa |
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Note: Some of these foals are owned by Cedar Ridge
Quarter Horses, and some are not. Click photos to view some of the foals' web

Blue Roan/Grullo filly (grullo roan)
Star, no white feet
Oklahoma |

Silver grullo filly @ 2 years old
Cutter Hootie Blu
No white
Iowa |

Blue Roan/Grullo mare, 2001
Blu Gru Yahoo
New Mexico |

Dun roan filly, 2001
No white feet
Dam color: brown
Missouri |

Hootie's only non-colored 2001 foal. Big hip! 1 month
No white feet
Iowa |

(at 17 months of age...nearly 15 hands tall)
Bay Roan+gray 1/2 Arabian filly
No white feet
Iowa |
Photo Not Available
2001 Red Dun Colt out of "Bay"
Iowa |
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