Grullo or Grulla
Explained in as simple of terms as possible!
April, 2018:
Much of this page is very old,
and needs to be updated. Some of the info is outdated,
but it is still a good reference for the most part. I'll try to update it soon!

Three different shades of grulla, sunbleached (late summer)
Copyright and "Up to Date" Note:
Please note that all of the text information on this page was
originally composed by me unless otherwise referenced,
and was typed with great thought. I have read books and many educational
web sites to contribute to my knowledge base. Some of the content was
created in the late 1990's, and may need to be updated. With 300+ pages in this
web site, I can't remember which pages need updates all the time. If you see
an out-of-date page, let me know so I can update it.
Some photos were donated by
people that have horses with color examples needed to provide educational
content. For that reason, permission is not granted for anyone else to use
photos from these pages.
Please feel free to link to this page, but do not copy the
content and place it on your site.
"UP TO DATE" Note:
Some of the color/informational pages on my site have not been updated
for a long time due to my lack of free time to do so.
I am leaving the pages up because they are still helpful. BUT, some of
the terminology is incorrect and there is also NEW knowledge available
regarding color genetics. Some day, I will update these pages...when
time allows.
here to learn
[Definition] [Finding
a Grullo] [Silver Grullo] [Foal Colors] [Grullo
Links] [Genetics] [Request
Color Help]
Grullo (pronounced "grew' yo" or "grew' ya")
is a fairly-rare color still for AQHA horses, even though there are many
breeders specifically breeding for the color.
What is a Grullo?
Simplest terms:
A grullo is a black horse with the dun gene. Grullos range in
color from light silvery-white to dark chocolate brown, and some almost look
Grullos MUST have the following
Grullos will often have other
characteristics such as:
Stripes on the legs (leg bars)
Mottling on the upper legs, shoulders, gaskins
Dark rings around the ears
Striping on the forehead (cobwebbing)
Stripes crossing the back, shoulders, or neck
Grullo is the result of the
dun factor "gene" on a black horse. Grullo (used here for
both masculine, and the feminine "grulla") is to black as dun is to bay, and as red
dun is to sorrel. They are just the colors that result when the dun
factor is applied to the base coat colors. This dun gene acts
similarly to the creme gene in that it dilutes the base color, but not quite the same. The following table
shows what color results from three base horse coat colors when the dun or creme
genes are passed by a parent to an offspring. Back to Top
Base Color |
Base Color plus Dun Gene (always
has a dorsal stripe) |
Base Color plus Creme Gene |
Sorrel |
Red Dun |
Palomino |
Bay |
Dun |
Buckskin |
Black |
Grullo |
Smoky black (brownish) |
Combinations of the above colors, and others, exist. For
example, see Baileys Badland Buck, a palomino red
dun (dunalino). She carries both the creme and the dun genes on a base sorrel
color. Our late stallion, Blue Yahooty Hancock, is a
base color black with the dun gene (making him grullo) AND the roan gene (making
him a blue roan). Most of the year, he looks grullo, but for a couple months
of the year he is a blue roan with a dorsal stripe. The same is true with
Crowheart WYO Boy.
of the Grullo Color
Back to
How Can I Get a Grullo?
Buy One. Your best bet is to buy one from a reputable breeder who
specializes in grullos (like us) if you want a foal, or to buy a mature grullo whose
color is easy to determine. Non-grullo specialists (breeders) often "think"
they have a grullo foal, but the buyer ends up with a dun, gray, or a black in many
Make One. The other way is to try to
breed for one. There are few guarantees on this route, but with
genetic testing, some people have been able to match up stallions and mares
to produce grullo foals 100% of the time.
To have a grullo foal, the best bet is to breed two grullos, or
even to breed a black to a grullo. The chance of having a
grullo foal from two grullo parents has averaged less than 50% in some studies,
but can be 100% in certain circumstances (with certain homozygosities). This varies,
depending upon whether the dun factor and/or the black gene (lack of red
factor) are homozygous in the sire and/or the dam, however.
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[Definition] [Finding
a Grullo] [Silver Grullo] [Foal Colors] [Grullo
Links] [Genetics] [Request
Color Help]
The Elusive Silver Grullo

Many people are looking for a silvery-colored grulla, and many breeders
claim to have them.
If you are looking for a silvery grulla foal, educate yourself.
If you see a newborn foal that is
silver-colored, you can very often get a resulting horse that is black, a dark slate or medium slate grulla (or even a gray that will turn white and not even be a grulla at all!) at
maturity. Silvery grulla foals are usually born a VERY light buff/cream
color, and not a light gray color. There are exceptions, but
in general, this is true.
True silvery grullas may
have blue-gray eyes according to
some sources, but this is generally true only in the foal's early life.
This is because one (outdated) definition of a silver grullo is a "grullo that also carries
a creme gene." The creme gene usually gives the foal blue eyes at birth,
but does NOT guarantee the coat color will be light silver in shade.
Buy cautiously if you are trying to buy
a silvery grulla as a foal. Many breeders advertise "silver grulla
foals" who later shed out black or dark grulla. Your best bet is to visit the farm and look at the under-color of the foal coat, or at the back of the foal's buttocks where it has
begun to shed. Even at that, grullas change so much in their first
few years that luck will have to be considered a factor. The only sure way
to buy a silvery grulla is to buy a mature horse that is silver!
Smokey Grullo and Silver Grullo
Keep in mind that terminology is changing. Until about 2005, the
term "silver grullo" was used to describe a silvery-colored grullo
(light silvery body color) most of the
time. Some people used it to describe any grullo that also carried a cream gene
(smokey grullo), whether light/silver shade or dark grullo shaded.
In recent years, "silver grullo" has been used for a grullo
that also carries a silver dapple gene. I think that in the future, "silver
grullo" will be most correct for grullo + silver dapple horses, and "smokey
grullo" will be for grullos with cream genes.
It might be a compromise temporarily to call a light-colored
grullo a "silvery grullo" (with the y on the end of silver). Maybe people will
begin calling them "light grullos." At this point, it's hard to guess.

A "true" silver grullo: Silver Dapple + Grullo
(aka silver black dun and various other terms)
Note the light mane and tail, which are caused by the silver dapple (aka Taffy)
to Top
Examples of Foal Coat Colors
Grullo foals are often mistaken for dun foals, and even
long-time breeders can be fooled. Grullo foals have even been born red
dun, only to shed out grullo within the first year. Many black foals have
been called grulla, only to shed off black around the age of 4 months. We
hope buyers will beware of buying such disappointing to pay a
premium price for a grulla, only to find they have a black later in the year.
Generally, grullo foals are born a light tan color with a
distinct dorsal stripe.
To tell the difference between a grullo foal and a
dun foal, look at the face. Usually, a grullo foal will have black hair
around the eyeballs and a black or gray mask of hair across the face/bridge of
the nose. A
dun foal will have golden, orange, or brown hair in those two places.
Also, grullos will often have black dorsal stripes, while dun foals will often have
dark brown or dark red dorsal stripes. Still, this doesn't always hold
true! Other grullo foal here
Grullo Foals
This filly was born silvery and turned into a medium
slate. |

At birth (left) and at age 2
This filly was born cream/light buff, and looks
pretty silvery/light now as an adult. She had dark blue eyes (at 3 months), instead of brown
eyes, which is an indication that she probably carries the creme gene as well as
the dun factor. |

21 days old |
This filly shed off with a black head and legs, and was a blue grullo base color
plus the roan gene. You can see why some people would have
called her a dun, based upon her foal hair color. |

Left, 2 months. Right, 6 months |
This filly was a unique color. She
shed off a beautiful silvery/light color. Her parents' colors were inconclusive...a red dun and a dun (possible dunskin). Thanks
for the pictures, Kristi! :-) |
Left, foal coat. Right, yearling.
This filly shed off with a medium slate grulla coat which later roaned. Note the black nose,
eye hair, and face mask on her baby picture. |

Left, 1 month. Right, 4 months. |
Born silver grullo, this colt changed to a dark slate
grullo at maturity. In the winter, he's a rich, dark charcoal
color that's almost black. He might be a lobo dun (dark
grullo). |
A bluish-gray eye is characteristic of a dun-factored
horse that is also carrying the creme dilution, from my experience.
Often (but not always), these creme carrying grullos will be silver.
NOTE: Blue eyes are NOT necessarily a
characteristic of the dun gene or of grullos in general. Grayish
blue eyes are most likely due to the creme dilution, which is most
commonly known for causing buckskins and palominos, and which
sometimes appears along with the dun gene, depending upon the
ancestors of a horse in question. There are other modifiers that can
cause lighter-colored eyes as well. |

Creme-carrying silver grullo foal eye color
Click for larger view |
THIS IS VERY not assume that your red dun
foal will turn out to be grullo. I shouldn't even put this on
here, but it is an example of what can happen with colors, and how
hard they are to predict. After having had 50 to 100 grullo
foals (I haven't counted), I wouldn't feel badly at all if I was
wrong about guessing a foal's color being grullo. They can be
tricky! ;-)
This filly was born looking like a red dun, but had
black roots to her mane and tail, black skin around her eyes, dark
charcoal-colored hooves, and had 2 grullo parents. She grew up to be
silvery (light) grullo.
The last/bottom foal is another example of a grullo that looked red
dun-ish at birth, but had dark skin instead of peachy skin. It also
matured to a light grullo color, like its dam. |

Back to Top
Non-Grullo Horses
This foal is by a palomino sire and a bay dam.
He shed off black, and has now been tested positively as a smoky black.
Pretty deceiving color at birth! This stripe is attributable to
countershading (edit 2018: nd1 is responsible for foal
striping quite frequently, and is now testable). He's gorgeous, either way. |

Black or smoky black, not grullo. |
This foal (below) was born medium slate/olive (the same color as his
dam) and shed off black or smoky black. His dam was a medium slate grulla with the creme
gene, and his sire was black. |

Left--one day old, Right--yearling
Black, not grullo. |
This filly is out of a silvery grullo mare and a black
stallion. She had a dorsal stripe at birth and shoulder shading,
but ended up being black with no dun or cream genes...just plain
black. |

Left, one day old. Right, yearling.
Black, not grullo. |
This is a unique guy! His dam is a palomino, and
his sire is a dun. What a change from his weanling coat (after
shedding) to his yearling coat. He's a gorgeous buckskin. |

Buckskin, not grullo. |
A comparison of a dun and a grulla foal with foal
coats on. Note the colors of the face masks, the hair around the
eyes, and the colors of the dorsal stripes. These are big clues
to help determine color. They aren't 100% accurate, but much of
the time will hold true. |

Click to enlarge these photos that show a dun and a grullo next
to each other. The body color is similar, but there are clues
that will help you see how to differentiate dun and grullo foals. |
A comparison of a sooty buckskin foal and a grullo
foal. Note how the buckskin's tail is black to the top, and how the
grullo's face has a dark mask over the bridge of the nose between the
eyes and the nostrils. |
Sooty buckskin left, grullo right. Note the difference
in the face colors. |
This is a color that is very often
incorrectly called grullo. Though it's dark, it is not the same as a
dark grullo, and is actually a gorgeous version of buckskin! Notice the yellow tone and the mixture of
yellow/gold and black hairs that make the coat dark. This color is
caused by a cream gene on a bay or brown coat, possibly with a sooty
or smutty modifier added. It is not the same as
grullo, which is a dun gene on a black coat. |
This foal looked red dun at birth, but had a telltale
sign of inheritance of the gray gene by the rich-colored leg hair (as
opposed to the dull, buff-colored leg hair that a red dun would
usually have). He shed off charcoal color, and could have tricked some
into thinking he was grullo. But the mature photo shows that the gray
progressed on schedule. |
These grays obviously have dun factor (see the leg bars,
and dorsal stripe). We know from the graying faces and tails that they
have a gray gene. Eventually, they will turn gray and lose their striping,
but it sure makes for a neat color combo at this time too! |
These are NOT leg bars. This is a black foal with a
common hair pattern that some people mistake for leg bars. It is just
a hair-direction pattern that eventually goes away. |
What color is YOUR foal?
The most common mistake people who contact me
is in
trying to get others to believe
that their foal or horse is the color
they WANT him to be.
Many, many people have asked me over the
past few years what color their foals were, and then have refused to
accept my opinion because they so badly wanted their foal to be a
different color. As you try to figure out your foal's color, leave
your personal preference out of it....go by the facts first.
Hopefully, you'll be pleased in the end! But if not (for example, if
you wanted him to be a grulla and he turns out to be a sooty buckskin),
take comfort in the fact that you know the truth and can educate others
about the differences between similar colors.
[Definition] [Finding
a Grullo] [Silver Grullo] [Foal Colors] [Grullo
Links] [Genetics] [Request
Color Help]
To learn more about grullo and dun colors:
Click here to request help
determining your horse or foal's color
More about grullo
genetics! This page is about the genetics of grulla, and is more in-depth than this page, but still not full of letters
with superscripts and language that is hard to read. I tried to make this simple, and yet accurate! Grullo
Genetics Info
Test your foal or
to be SURE of his/her genetics!
Dun Factor and explanations
can be seen here.
Check out, which is a
calculator that will help predict foal color opportunities.
Variations of buckskins
Visit to learn about
sootiness/smuttiness and countershading.
He has a dorsal stripe, but neither of his parents did IMPORTANT
LINKS. This one talks about markings that are similar to dun dorsal
stripes, but not the same. These markings are responsible for a lot of
horses being called dun or grulla who really are not. Visit to learn about
sootiness/smuttiness and countershading.
Click here to request
help determining your horse or foal's color
[Definition] [Finding
a Grullo] [Silver Grullo] [Foal Colors] [Grullo
Links] [Genetics] [Request
Color Help]
How To Donate Your Educational Photo:
you are wondering what color your foal is, click
here. We are having a lot of people send us
pictures for this page where it is obvious that the foal owners don't know what
color their foal is. Please, only send us photos for this page if you know your
foal's color. If you don't know what color your foal is, click
If you foal is a Paint or Appaloosa, we will only use it if the vast majority
of the foal's body is not included in the white patterned areas, as this page is
intended to help people determine foal colors, so the colored hairs must be very
This is an educational page, and photos should
show a safe environment
and healthy horses.
I don't even know how to respond when I receive photos of wormy, skinny
horses in pastures littered with abandoned cars, farm equipment, wire fences
laying on the ground, and falling-down buildings. I simply can't put photos like
that on an educational page like this, where people come to learn.
Please note that this is not intended to be a free opportunity for you to
advertise your breeding operation, and instead is an educational page. We will
not use photos with watermarks/writing on them. There are many free advertising
sites on the Internet at which you can advertise your farm/ranch/horses. Also,
only send photos of foals you own. This way, there won't be copyright problems.

Feel free to click the "Send Your Photo" logo
at the left to send a good photo or two to us for inclusion on our
color pages.
Photo Ownership Notice:
All of the photos on this page are the property of Cedar Ridge QH's or were
sent to us with permission.
If someone has sent a photo to us for use on our pages that belongs to you,
and if they did not have
permission to do so,
please let us know.
If you are interested in contributing a photo, we thank you! But please do not
alter the photo or place your contact
information on it. Our educational pages are for just Not
advertisements. Thanks!
Color and Genetic Testing Labs
There are many laboratories in the US and around the
world that do horse color testing, disease testing, etc. When you choose a
lab, make sure it is a reputable one! There are several university-related
labs, which I recommend, and many private labs (some of which can NOT be
recommended!). Here are a few
I'm familiar with:
University Laboratories:
Private Laboratories:
Animal Genetics, Inc.
USE THIS LAB, BELOW, in my opinion:
DNA Diagnostics (aka Shelterwood Labs, and also affiliated somehow with
Catgenes.Org) DNA
Diagnostics/Shelterwood Labs offers a test for multiple
characteristics at one price.
I had seen a fair bit of chatter online about how they cash the checks and
don't give the results of the test. So, I tested them by paying for three
horse tests. Guess what...they sent back two of my horses' test results and
after 4 1/2 months, the third was still missing in action! Repeated phone calls and
e-mails were ignored by the lab. Finally, five months after the test, someone
gave me the results for the third horse.
If you choose to use this lab, my
opinion is to only send them as much money as you are willing to lose, in case
you don't receive your results. Update: A friend just called that used
this lab and she still hasn't received her results after many months of waiting,
phone calls, and e-mails. 3/2010. I know of another horse that tested homozygous
for black that is not homozygous, as he has produced sorrel and palomino
foals. In both cases, Shelterwood does not return their repeated phone calls.
This page last updated
If you notice this date being 2 years or older, please let
us know that we need to check out this page!