Quarter Horse Colors
Copyright and "Up to Date" Note:
Please note that all of the text information on this page was
originally composed by me unless otherwise referenced,
and was typed with great thought. I have read books and many educational
web sites to contribute to my knowledge base. Some of the content was
created in the late 1990's, and may need to be updated. With 300+ pages in this
web site, I can't remember which pages need updates all the time. If you see
an out-of-date page, let me know so I can update it.
Some photos were donated by
people that have horses with color examples needed to provide educational
content. For that reason, permission is not granted for anyone else to use
photos from these pages.
Please feel free to link to this page, but do not copy the
content and place it on your site.
"UP TO DATE" Note:
Some of the color/informational pages on my site have not been updated
for a long time due to my lack of free time to do so.
I am leaving the pages up because they are still helpful. BUT, some of
the terminology is incorrect and there is also NEW knowledge available
regarding color genetics. Some day, I will update these pages...when
time allows.
here to learn
The Quarter Horse breed has listed 17 acceptable colors for
registration of foals (as of 2006). More colors exist that aren't listed, and if you have
such a foal, you should register it according to the closest genetic color
option that fits what you feel the foal will be at maturity. For
example, a white horse with blue eyes that is "aa" for Agouti is really a
double-diluted black. But it can be registered as a Perlino, because the
correct option for a double-cream-diluted black is not offered by AQHA.
In addition, champagne and silver dapple genes are present in some QH's, but
their colors are not options offered on the registration application. Combinations
of multiple modifying genes also exist, and AQHA can help you
determine the best color to register your foal if you are uncertain how it
should be listed. We have a palomino mare that
AQHA registered as a red dun.
When questioned, they said it was because they knew she had dun factor due
to her sire being a 100% color producer. Although she looks like a white-maned palomino
with very faint gold striping, they required that she be registered as a red
dun. They have rules they must follow, so inquire if you have a question.
2006 AQHA Registrations By Color
Courtesy of Deb Black at AQHA and
Percentages added by Cedar Ridge Quarter
Color of Horse |
Number of Horses Registered |
Percent of
Registrations |
Bay |
30,862 |
18.69% |
Roan |
3,864 |
2.34% |
Black |
5,844 |
3.54% |
Blue Roan
3,747 |
2.27% |
Brown |
7,660 |
4.64% |
Buckskin |
8,811 |
5.34% |
Chestnut |
13,256 |
8.03% |
Cremello |
741 |
0.45% |
Dun |
5,945 |
3.60% |
Grey |
11,659 |
7.06% |
Grulla |
1,693 |
1.03% |
Palomino |
13,022 |
7.89% |
Perlino |
234 |
0.14% |
Dun |
4,855 |
2.94% |
Roan |
5,852 |
3.54% |
Sorrel |
46,976 |
28.45% |
165,114 |
The table below shows horses that meet the required genetics
for each color. Not all horses pictured are Quarter Horses, but the
color genetics are the topic here, not breeds. :-)
The colors listed (as of 2006) are:

Body color reddish or copper-red; mane and tail usually
same color as body, but may be flaxen. The most common color of American
Quarter Horses. |

Body color ranging from tan, through red, to reddish
brown; mane and tail black; black on lower legs. |

Body color true black without light areas; mane and tail
black. Sun fading acceptable. |

Body color a mixture of white with any other colored
hairs; often born solid-colored or almost solid-colored and gets lighter
with age as more white hairs appear. |

Body color dark red or brownish-red; mane and tail
usually dark red or brownish-red but may be flaxen. |

Similar to black, but with brown on muzzle and flanks or
larger area.
These browns were not DNA confirmed, and are used as
examples based upon how they look. |

Blue Roan
BLACK points (including head), roaned body. |

Light (or pink) skin over the body, white or
cream-colored hair and blue eyes.
ee for Red Factor (genetically red-legged), but red color is diluted by
two cream color dilution genes. |

Gold/yellow body and head, white mane/tail. |

Black points, mane, and tail. Gold/yellow body. May have
faint dorsal and sooting/countershading. |

Black/dark points and dun factors, black or charcoal
head, silver or grayish body with all body hairs being uniform in color. |

Perlino and
Smoky Cream
Light (or pink) skin over the body, white or
cream-colored hair and blue eyes. Mane, tail and lower legs
slightly darker than body color.
EE or Ee for Red Factor (genetically, black legged) with 2 cream
genes. Perlino is double cream plus Bay (AA or Aa). Smoky
Creams are aa for Agouti and are not really Perlino, but are best
registered as such until AQHA adds Smoky Cream as a color option on
papers. |

Red Roan
Red points, roaned body. |

Bay Roan
BLACK points, brown/bay head, roaned body. Before 2002,
bay roans were registered as red roans or blue roans, but should now be
registered as bay roans. |

Body color white; skin is pink; eyes are usually dark;
small black spots may be found in the skin, but usually are not
accompanied by colored hair. Some white horses may be variegated,
meaning they have patches of colored hair, usually intermixed with
white. |

Red Dun
A form of dun with body color yellowish or flesh colored;
mane, tail and dorsal stripe are red. |

Body color yellowish or gold; mane and tail may be black,
brown, red, yellow, white or mixed; often has dorsal stripe, zebra
stripes on legs, transverse over withers. This color would more
correctly be called "bay dun." |
What's the same about horses in this column?
The horses in this column all have
red-based legs. They are "ee" for Red Factor, meaning they are red
based and not black based. |
What's the same about horses in this column?
These horses all have at least two things in
They all carry at least one non-red
gene (black), and so have black legs.
They all have at least one copy of
the dominant form of Agouti, so their bodies are
reddish brown/yellow instead of black or charcoal/mouse colored.
What's the same about horses in this column?
These horses all have at least two things in
They all carry at least one non-red
gene (black), and so have black legs.
They all have two copies of the
recessive form of Agouti, so their bodies are black or charcoal/mouse
colored instead of red or brown or yellow.
What's the same about horses in this column?
This column is unique in that the colors
above are not uniformly affected by one color gene. It is safe to say that they
have white/extremely light hairs, but that their color is not
necessarily caused by the same genes.
Color descriptions above composed with consideration to
AQHA color definitions.
See our Combinations page for horses with
multiple genes that affect their color.
Other Acceptable Color Dilutions
Although AQHA does not list specific registration options
for certain genes, there are some color modifiers that are acceptable to
AQHA. These include (but might not be limited to) the Champagne gene and the
Silver Dapple Gene.
Foals might be
registered as buckskins, palominos, and grullos even though they are genetically
not the same. |

Mottled skin, green/yellowish/amber eyes. Diluted hair
Silver Dapple
Foals would be
registered as bay and chestnut in most cases, and a few might
erroneously make it
in as palominos. Learn more here. Only expressed on horses carrying a non-red gene or two non-red genes
(EE or Ee) . Mane/tail flaxen or mixed. |

Bay silver ponies (above)

A silver dapple, on a black base, APHA mare that is
homozygous for black.
Genetically tested EE aa nZ.

Silver dapple on black as a foal (Agouti = aa)

Silver Dapple + Grullo + Cream (Agouti = aa)

A Silver Grullo, with both the Silver Dapple and Dun
Factor genes (and he happens to have a cream gene, too!).

A "true" silver grullo: Silver Dapple + Grullo
(aka silver black dun and various other terms) |
Photo Ownership Notice:
All of the photos on this page are the property of Cedar Ridge QH's or were
sent to us with permission.
If someone has sent a photo to us for use on our pages that belongs to you,
and if they did not have
permission to do so,
please let us know.
If you are interested in contributing a photo, we thank you! But please do not
alter the photo or place your contact
information on it. Our educational pages are for just that...education. Not
advertisements. Thanks!
Color and Genetic Testing Labs
There are many laboratories in the US and around the
world that do horse color testing, disease testing, etc. When you choose a
lab, make sure it is a reputable one! There are several university-related
labs, which I recommend, and many private labs (some of which can NOT be
recommended!). Here are a few
I'm familiar with:
University Laboratories:
Private Laboratories:
Animal Genetics, Inc.
USE THIS LAB, BELOW, in my opinion:
DNA Diagnostics (aka Shelterwood Labs, and also affiliated somehow with
http://www.dnadiagnostics.com/ DNA
Diagnostics/Shelterwood Labs offers a test for multiple
characteristics at one price.
I had seen a fair bit of chatter online about how they cash the checks and
don't give the results of the test. So, I tested them by paying for three
horse tests. Guess what...they sent back two of my horses' test results and
after 4 1/2 months, the third was still missing in action! Repeated phone calls and
e-mails were ignored by the lab. Finally, five months after the test, someone
gave me the results for the third horse.
If you choose to use this lab, my
opinion is to only send them as much money as you are willing to lose, in case
you don't receive your results. Update: A friend just called that used
this lab and she still hasn't received her results after many months of waiting,
phone calls, and e-mails. 3/2010. I know of another horse that tested homozygous
for black that is not homozygous, as he has produced sorrel and palomino
foals. In both cases, Shelterwood does not return their repeated phone calls.
How To Donate Your Educational Photo:
you are wondering what color your foal is, click
here. We are having a lot of people send us
pictures for this page where it is obvious that the foal owners don't know what
color their foal is. Please, only send us photos for this page if you know your
foal's color. If you don't know what color your foal is, click
This is an educational page, and photos should
show a safe environment
and healthy horses.
I don't even know how to respond when I receive photos of wormy, skinny
horses in pastures littered with abandoned cars, farm equipment, wire fences
laying on the ground, and falling-down buildings. I simply can't put photos like
that on an educational page like this, where people come to learn.
Please note that this is not intended to be a free opportunity for you to
advertise your breeding operation, and instead is an educational page. We will
not use photos with watermarks/writing on them. There are many free advertising
sites on the Internet at which you can advertise your farm/ranch/horses. Also,
only send photos of foals you own. This way, there won't be copyright problems.

Feel free to click the "Send Your Photo" logo
at the left to send a good photo or two to us for inclusion on our
color pages.
Photo Ownership Notice:
All of the photos on this page are the property of Cedar Ridge QH's or were
sent to us with permission.
If someone has sent a photo to us for use on our pages that belongs to you,
and if they did not have
permission to do so,
please let us know.
If you are interested in contributing a photo, we thank you! But please do not
alter the photo or place your contact
information on it. Our educational pages are for just that...education. Not
advertisements. Thanks!
This page last updated
If you notice this date being 2 years or older, please let
us know that we need to check out this page!