Crowheart Wyo Boy
4587431 2004 grullo stallion
29.69% Blue
SIRE side of pedigree |
Leo Hancock Hayes 1980
1683157 blue roan |
Blue Valentine 1956
0097116 roan
H- 0.0 P- 1.0 |
Wyo Blue Bonnet 1992
3135976 grullo |
Doll 01 1970 by Rip
Rip by Leo
0717186 sorrel |
Mandys Sue Hawk 1981
1763699 buckskin |
Wyo Kid Curry 1976
by Rip Rip by Leo, g-son BV 1281044 dun
Wyo O Blue 1998 3740633
Grullo/Dun roan.
34.38% Blue Valentine

Blue Hawk 22 1972 by
Plenty Coup, g-son of Joe Hancock
0841841 dun |
Plenty Try 1982
1894414 blue roan |
Gooseberry 1973 by
Blue Valentine 0968815 bay roan
Bonnie O Blue 1991
3036467 red roan |
Heather Dividend 1974
1052111 brown
42 3 0 0 0 $ 0 Super Barrel Mare! |
Bonny 02 1970
0723400 blue roan |
Blue Valentine 1956
0097116 roan
H- 0.0 P- 1.0 |
Bonnie Owens 11 1956
0061706 bay |
DAM side of pedigree |
Gooseberry 1973
0968815 bay roan |
Blue Valentine 1956
0097116 roan
H- 0.0 P- 1.0 |
Plenty Try 1982
1894414 blue roan |
Fox Hastings 1965 by
Plenty Coup, g-son of Joe Hancock 0376183
chestnut |
Heather Dividend 1974
1052111 brown
42 3 0 0 0 $ 0
Super Barrel Mare! |
Jets Sabre 1970
0710869 bay |
Chucker Blue Maid 1998
3740635 black
Homozygous for black
25% Blue
Valentine |
Heather Heller 1968
0564976 bay |
Gooseberry 1973
0968815 bay roan |
Blue Valentine 1956
0097116 roan
H- 0.0 P- 1.0 |
Chucker Maid 1983
2077119 grullo |
Fox Hastings 1965
by Plenty Coup, g-son of Joe Hancock
0376183 chestnut |
Chuckkar Maid 45 1969
0685855 dun |
Mandy's Dart 1957
0115141 dun
H- 0.0 P- 1.0 |
Chukkar Maid 1957
0106911 grullo |